Copyright 2008-2024: Justin Wood

Donations always welcome. I run this site with my own funds and my own time, both of which are in rare supply. If you find this site useful or entertaining, please consider a small donation to help keep it up and running. Thank you - Justin Wood

Benson and Sedar (Developers)

Sparks designed homes for Benson and Sedar in the 1970's/80's. These are located in the Greenhaven Neighborhood.


Noah Court, Ark Way, Yacht Court, Ararat Court

+ 820 Yacht Ct (SacBee, Nov 6, 1977) - via GS

+ On Noah Court: #'s 5, 6, 9, 10, 14 and 15 (GS)
+ On Ararat Court: #'s 6, 9, 10, 14 and 15. Possibly more (GS)

+ 6925 Waterview Way (1977 Model Home; Riverhaven Estates)
[ According to John Sedar, "The home is a special blend of old and new designs by renowned west coast architect Carter Sparks. In addition, we've added some personal touches during construction to make the home one of a kind" ] [Sacramento Bee, August 7, 1977]

+ "ZEPHYR" by Benson and Sedar, designed by Carter Sparks

+ Few houses in the Tiffany Lane sub-development, Rancho Cordova

Sacramento Bee, Feb 8, 1981
Sacramento Bee, March 27, 1977
"atrium home" by Benson and Sedar, 6925 Waterview Way
Sacramento Bee, Feb 17, 1980
2451 Tiffany Drive-carter sparks-benson and sedar
2451 E Tiffany Lane - Benson and Sedar - Carter Sparks