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The Sun Follower : 1956 (project)
This wild concept was published along side the Fava House in an article in the Sacramento Union, April 24, 1956 (Special thanks to Zann Gates for retrieving the clipping, and for Hermi Cassady (RIP) for sharing the info about the clipping for us)
By Tom Evans (apparently a time traveler)
John B Jones, local contractor, has announced a public showing of his latest home development -- the Sun Follower -- in Martian Heights Subdivision Friday at 1 PM.
The circular glass home, designed by Sparks and Thaden, local architectural firm, will feature a new "blood system" method of temperature and light control which Smith [Sparks? -ed] said will become standard equipment in Martian Heights unit 15.
The roof of the home will be made of plastic hose containing patented formula fluid which can be altered in color to control heat and light.
The contractor said a pushbutton panel will enable the homeowner to select a light-colored flow of fluid to reflect heat and light, or a darker color for warm absorption.
The SPECIFICALLY - designed channelization technique will enable circulation of another type of fluid which can be used for interior lighting.
A wide selection of fluid will be available to the home purchaser, Jones said.
Fluids of several different colors may flow through to the system at one time without merging by use of ball-bearing dividers, he added.
While the Sun Follower will revolve as do other "bubble tops" in the subdivision, daylight control will be more automatic.
JONES SAID screens and draperies no longer will be required to keep unwanted sunlight in portions of the home.
The homeowner may dial the candlepower admission of light he desires in different parts of the dwelling and layers of polarized glass will adjust to control brightness -- from full sunlight to complete darkness.
The Sun Follower will also not be limited to one revolution 12 hours -- a device designed to give the housewife new outlooks well she does occasional button pushing.
THE NEW HOME may be rotated to any compass point immediately with the aid of a motor in the basement.
Other highlights of the new home are the conveyor ramp to the main entrance, which revolves on an outside track as the house turns in the long range antenna capable of picking up telecasts from the international satellite.
An optional and less is expensive heating system is the standard nuclear reactor heater.
Conventional installations will include three dimensional wall TV screens in each room, a TV tape recorder for program playback, electronic dust catchers which eliminate almost all household dusting, and optional Luminescent ceilings controlled by an outside electronic eye.
OTHER STANDARD equipment will be electronica refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, ranges, and Sani lights to destroy harmful bacteria.
Strategically located TV cameras will enable to homeowner to check on a sleeping baby, size up a visitor outside the main entrance, or observe a cake in the oven all from a single screen.
While today’s home has been vastly changed in many respects from the home of 1956, some of the present equipment was beginning to appear in Laboratories 20 years ago.