Copyright 2008-2024: Justin Wood

Donations always welcome. I run this site with my own funds and my own time, both of which are in rare supply. If you find this site useful or entertaining, please consider a small donation to help keep it up and running. Thank you - Justin Wood

Wulfert House : 1959

7754 Greenridge Way, Fair Oaks, CA

3 beds / 2.5 baths / 2,091 sq ft / .24 ac

+ Confirmed via DS reference material

O: Robert E Wulfert (school equip rep, per 1962 county dir)
I: Warren
Sold 2/2014

This house was published in the June 4th, 1967 Sacramento Union newspaper.
Access a copy of the article here.

photo by Jeff Lee / Sac Union
photo by Jeff Lee / Sac Union
photo by Jeff Lee / Sac Union
photo by Jeff Lee / Sac Union
Rendering by Carter Sparks